While I wouldn’t call myself a detective fan, I couldn’t ignore a game that put a duck in the shoes of a detective. Who solves a case involving salami. As such, Duck Detective – The Secret Salami was a game I wanted to give a play. And Happy Broccoli Games have hooked me with a fun story and characters. Time to reel off the clues that say why the Duck Detective is worth your time.

From the off, a choice is made. A standard detective fare where you only know that something is wrong in the clues selected. Or an easier time where the game shows what clues are wrong. I had to go for the second of those, since I knew I would never be confident enough to solve this case without some extra help. And even with the extra help, I still had fun putting the right pieces together.

Duck Detective starts things off with Eugene McQuacklin – the duck detective. He’s not doing so great in life. Suffered a divorce that still haunts him. All because he can’t resist the allure of bread. This introductory deducktion sees the duck detective trying to remember what he spent some money on the previous night. Simply wander the room, investigating those objects that are highlighted, then onto the case screen to piece it together.

The office where most of the action takes place in Duck Detective. Represented in paper cut-out style are the duck detective, with his notebook held in front of him, and an alligator in a suit stood by a desk.

With that solved, the duck detective gets called to a case. No name was given, so along with piecing together the mystery involving the salami, he needs to figure out who called him. Along with investigating objects, McQuacklin is able to talk to the anthropomorphic residents of the office, take a closer look at them (and some objects such as screens), and ask questions to them.

Doing all this will reveal words to use in the deducktions. There will be many of them to hide the correct answers, but if you’ve been keeping aware of the actions and words during these events, such things should be easy enough. When it came to putting names to faces on the suspects list, I admit to being oblivious to the obvious for a particular pair near the beginning. But it did get me understanding how to piece later things together.

The mystery wouldn’t be as fun without the characters, and this bunch do shine. An overworked customer service operator, a super fan of the detective, the branch manager who is annoyed at your presence… All of them are written well, making this eventful day at the office a joy to see play out. When it came to closing the case, I felt a great many things. And saying anything of that will potentially spoil things.

The evidence is clear, I should hope. Duck Detective – The Secret Salami is a worthwhile game to experience. Those who enjoy a mystery are sure to have fun piecing this together, with the events that unfold making it a joy to witness. Even if you have trouble when it comes to be a detective, that easy mode helps. As such, Duck Detective – The Secret Salami is an easy recommendation from me.

Images Taken From:
Duck Detective – The Secret Salami | Nintendo Switch [Handheld]

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