You might wonder why I covered so few conferences this year. EA’s? Ubisoft’s? Especially Sony’s? I strictly didn’t cover them for the reason that all of my best bits from them will be covered here. Yes, at the end of this E3, I’ve had surprises thrown at me. Most of the games in this coming generation are going to be open world. Racing games, shooters and zombie survival games. All will be open world. During EA’s conference, the bombshell of the entire event was lit. A new Star Wars Battlefront will be among us in the next few years. But that was nothing compared to the bombshell that was lit during Sony’s conference.
After spin-off after spin-off, Kingdom Hearts III will soon be among us. Both are my top two favourites in the gaming world. Introduced to both with their second main games, I have played each series and loved every bit of it. However, after my PS2 no longer worked, I was without both main series games. Even after nabbing Battlefront II on PC it refused to work after so long, but I’ve got the PSP version, and I’ve got all other Battlefronts. Even the PSP versions of Battlefront retain the same charm as the console versions. The same can’t be said for Kingdom Hearts however.
The DS versions weren’t coming even close to the charm of II, and while the PSP version came close, as did the 3DS version, there is still nothing that can beat the actual main series games. And a third, as well as the HD 1.5 remix, are the best things to come out of the Kingdom Hearts series in ages. I still remember when I went to buy Kingdom Hearts II for Christmas all those years ago, unknowing how significant it will become to me, and how much playtime I’ll get out of it. Also out of the bag was the Playstation 4’s actual look. I suppose it’s okay, but I always go for practicality over looks, and the PS4 seems to have a better handle on that.
EA and Ubisoft have both come up front to say that they will continue WiiU support once the console picks up in sales. Why exactly don’t you support it with some worthwhile games so you can help it pick up sales? I’ll never understand, but I guess it has something to do with money. As a racing fan, there was more than just Mario Kart 8 to take an interest in. If I do get a PS4, I’ll be able to test Drive Club, which seems to be going free for PS+ subscribers. Yes, Need For Speed Rivals takes Most Wanted’s gameplay and adds more to it, but Ubisoft’s offering of The Crew has even more. And while Forza Motorsport 5 has that AI-learning thing, I think most people will try to avoid the Xbox One at all costs due to those radical features of used games and DRM nonsense.
Most of the Nintendo games have me interested. The PS4 is my second choice. I know that Battlefront and Kingdom Hearts won’t be on the WiiU, but I can’t choose between the two, simply because Sonic Lost World is on the WiiU. And Pikmin. And LEGO City Undercover. And… y’know what? There’s too much to list.