There’s something very chill about being a cat, especially with an art style that is soft in every way. Starting Little Kitty, Big City and feline the motions as you explore this city adds to the carefree nature of things. Double Dagger Studio have said a lot of work went into the animations to create an accurate portrayal of kitten-kind, and I’d say that has been accomplished.

The main goal of Little Kitty, Big City, as depicted with such great wit in the trailers, is to get back home. High in the sky is the home that is longed for, and the greatest napping spot. But kitty hungry. Finding the fish around the city restores climbing ability, allowing traversal up the ivy to start the journey home. But gunning for the fish and that end goal means missing out on everything the game offers.

That great wit is alive within the game, as also shown in the trailers. The first encounter is with Crow, who Kitty accidentally bumps into while falling. Crow caws for shinies. One of two currencies in the game, shinies can be found across the city. Singular, or multiple within objects such as bins, shinies are also used to buy many of the hats that Kitty can wear.

Kitty is looking up at Crow, who is perched upon a capsule machine in front of a shop window.

The other currency is feathers, earned by pouncing upon unsuspecting birds. Features are used to open fast travel points. The city isn’t massively big or confusing to traverse, but it’s still a helpful thing to have. This fast travel system has been developed by Tanuki, which she calls the Petwork. Every animal in this city is a fun encounter, whether that’s a beetle who is a social media mogul for a famous cat or a dog who has lost his balls.

Most of these items on the To-Do list are just singular tasks that are easy to complete. All of which relate to the playful nature of kitten-kind. Then there’s my favourite, which I won’t spoil. It’s a fun one to find. Then there’s cat-chievements. These are discovery based tasks. These won’t show up on the list unless the action for it has already been performed once.

Sometimes that is all that is needed to complete that cat-chievement. Others require multiple actions, such as jumping in all the boxes or being petted by the humans around the city. Hunting for these tasks can require a bit of messing around to understand what it might be looking for. Various items can be picked up, but is there a task for putting these in that location? Or with one particular item, wondering if it even relates to a task.

The streets of Little Kitty, Big City, where humans with no faces walk around a building looking at their phones. Kitty, wearing a corn hat, watches them.

Hats, then. There are plenty. Some can be found in capsules around the city. Some by completing tasks given by animals. Most are within capsule machines found around the city. Most of the hats have a witty one-liner description relating to what it depicts. These hats can be worn by Kitty to explore the city in style. And it’s not just exploring in style, either. There’s plenty of humour in taking photos while wearing a hat.

Oh, I am lost to the fact there is a photo mode. So… many… photos… A simple one to control, even if not the best for accurately lining up shots, it’s an enjoyable time snapping away. Though the game is not violent in any way, there’s a combination of things that will allow a particularly evil soul to make it look otherwise. And honestly, finding new ways to craft great shots is what allows photo modes to shine.

The sense of discovery, the wit on display, makes Little Kitty, Big City a purrfect experience for anyone who loves cats. So much detail has gone into crafting Kitty that even small movements feel accurate. A number of emotes allow for playful actions such as grooming oneself or doing a little dance. Or doing a little meow. It’s so cute to hear! Even the other animals, when interacting with them, feel accurate to their species.

It really is a nice, relaxing time roleplaying as a cat. There’s so much joy to be found with even just moving around the city. Getting distracted just like a real cat when seeing a shiny, a new animal, or something that you just want to explore. As such, Little Kitty, Big City is an easy recommendation from me. I’m very happy to have been waiting for it.

Images Taken From:
Little Kitty, Big City | Nintendo Switch [Handheld]

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