Spoilers. Spoilers. Oh so great.
Spanish or not, it’s too late.
Videos pasted.
Game surprises wasted.
Avoid Youtube at all cost,
Otherwise the wait is lost.
Just a little poem there, to show how displeased I am at this news. You heard me. Sonic Lost World has had its street date broken. Spanish retailers (or at least one) have broken the official release date for Sonic Lost World, and spoilers have already been posted onto Youtube.
It appears that a number of retailers have been doing this for certain games, as the same thing happened with GTA V not so long ago. Why they do it is completely beyond me, as that just creates situations like this where spoilers are revealed before the game is even released. And this isn’t even a three day early thing. The release of Lost World isn’t even for another two weeks in Europe. It’s the week after the Pokémon X and Y worldwide release, and even that street date has been broken.
Yes, people do like to get games early, but at least that’s usually a day before release and not a week or two. This actually seems to be a trend now, and I’m sure retailers do it on purpose. Especially for the big games. It doesn’t matter what retailer, and doesn’t matter which country, as long as the game is released before street date in one country, those spoilers are bound to be on Youtube before the day is out. It’s not enough any more just to glorify in getting a game before others any more, that person has to spoil it for the whole world.
I’ve watched one video, and that’s as much as I’ll probably be doing, as apart from the one cutscene, it hasn’t spoiled anything for me, and was probably stuff that could have been guessed anyway.
So, word of warning for those who want to be spoiler free, avoid at all cost video sharing websites, especially Youtube, and any forums relating to Sonic or those that have the name of Sonic in their thread title. Spoiler tags are there to be used, but it’s always possible that someone will forget.