If you haven’t seen my posts around social media about such, Space Race Championship is currently in the process of being fully published. It’s in the hands of the publisher at the minute, being proof-read to check for anything that might need to be fixed with it. However, since it’s no longer going to be a self-published book via the Kindle Store, it has been unpublished from there. No longer will it be available for purchase until it is released as a physical product to bookstores.

When that date is I’m not certain as yet. What I do know is the publisher wants it to be part of their autumn slate of releases, which will likely put a release around October or November. All very exciting, and I can’t wait to see it out in the world. Any updates will be posted to social media, though I’m sure another round of previews will be appearing on the site. Along with the release details and any pre-release events that happen.

A few days ago, I released a new story to Shorts of the Rula. A New Life Of Speed introduces a new universe to my slate. One which I talked a bit about during July’s monthly update. Zincite Storm is a universe that puts its focus on an island that is full of racing culture. The towns are built around racetracks, of which there are many. This first short in the universe introduces that island through the eyes of Gareth, who is similarly being introduced to it for the first time.

There was a balance to achieve with this story. Introducing the island and its culture was important. But it couldn’t just feel like a documentary talking about all facets of the island life. As such, there’s characters reacting off each other. Gareth, taking in all of what this island offers and adjusting to his new life. Amelia, a fan of Gareth and a racer who has lived on the island her entire life.

Their love of racing is what drives the exploration of the culture. Of course, the actual racing only accounts for about a quarter of the story. But that felt right. The one thing I want for the stories of this universe is to not be so focused on the racing. Such is what I felt went wrong when writing Zincite Storm Cup all those years ago. That story is the basis for this universe, and eventually will be adapted to a full novel.

Elsewhere on Wattpad, I want to bring a new story to The Alternate Extras of Halesowen. Looking through the characters I have left, I’m trying to match them to ideas that suit who they are. And I’m also trying to craft ideas that won’t be repeating other stories. Since I have to factor in where in the timeline these stories take place, there are certain things that I cannot do yet. Certain relationships that cannot progress too early.

One thing that I can do is put some focus to relationships that have been in the background. Much like I did with Waterways on Sunny Days or Chaos of the Mind. The latter of which then fed into the next story. Such a thing is something I’ll likely do again, depending on what events I settle on. I intend to get the next story of The Alternate Extras of Halesowen out in September.

Speaking of the Alternate Halesowen and Beyond universe, I had previously said that I was aiming for an autumn release for book number 4 on the Kindle Store. With that being the time of Space Race Championship’s rerelease, it would be a busy period with two releases to promote. As such, that fourth book is being delayed to spring next year. Depending on how things work out, it could very well release on the anniversary of the first book I released to the Kindle Store.

There’ll be another story added to Shorts of the Rula in December, if things go to plan. Another in the Reality Twists universe, I’m not saying more than that. Of course, there’s been other ideas I’ve had kicking around. Those of GRcade know I’ve run a few games on there, with two werewolf-styled games known as Are You A Hitman?. These had a story to them, which saw the hitmen team defeat the innocents with both games.

I speak of them as I’ve had ideas for adapting those games into stories. A sort of anthology that includes more than just those two, seeing an agency tracking down the group of people who have become the first UK participants in the dark web competition known as Gore Fest. Across the UK this group travel, killing populations of small villages in up-close and personal ways. Slowly, I’m working to a test of the story. More will be revealed at a later date for this one.

And lastly, ideas that haven’t even gone beyond the concept stage. A novel-length story within the Reality Twists universe where fruit are turning people violent. A fan-created story for Wattpad within the Power Rangers universe. And an adventure across the Herzan state. No doubt this time next year, I’ll have even more ideas for stories and quite a few new releases. I’ll keep this site updated with all upcoming news of my stories, so keep an eye out here or social media.

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