It’s been a while since my last book arrived on the Kindle Store. But that is soon to change as phase 2 continues again. The Future Adventures of Halesowen started it off back in September-2019, but since then stories were put on a break. In that time, I’ve had a few ideas for the books that would be part of phase 2. In the end, I settled on repeating the format of phase 1. That being two books from the Alternate Halesowen and Beyond series, the next addition to the Elemental Heroes series, and then keeping that last slot open.

So, the fourth book in the Alternate Halesowen and Beyond series. At present, there’s still a lot of work to do, including giving it a formal title. But with the first chapter finished, I felt this preview of it would serve as the official beginning of the marketing for it. While I won’t do previews for every chapter, when a new one appears, that will mean a milestone has been reached in its development. This preview details the immediate reaction of Daniel to learning that Stanley, and his operation of Plutes, has arrived in the UK. Enjoy.

But also heading inside the media centre was Eliott, the tutor for the media course.

It didn’t take them long to understand why he was here as he said, “I want a quick word with everyone before you leave.”

Following him inside the studio, he gathered everyone to listen to what he needed to say.

“Every year, as a treat for our second years, we usually organise a day out. Usually to a theme park or a similar place. This year, though, we have been granted a great opportunity.”

Daniel could tell there was excitement for what was coming next. He wondered what could be better than a day out to a theme park.

“Last year, Halesowen College was contacted by someone. A person you all know, who came here from the Republic Antarctic. Came here with an exciting, once in a lifetime opportunity. For one of our own to experience life within the RA, and specifically the media holiday destination known as Plutes [Ploo-tez]. From that experience, ties were forged between Max Rushden and this group. Ties that have remained strong over the last year as he returns every so often to see you all.”

Daniel was at a loss for what was coming, as the RA had no air travel. It was unlikely there would be a two-week holiday for the students, with one of those weeks being just for travel time. Unless…

“And so, we, Halesowen College, have been contacted to be the first to experience the UK branch of the Plutes Student Media Adventure.”

Daniel didn’t follow much else.

He was too shocked at hearing Plutes had come to the UK.

And he could say nothing to stop any of it.

People had closed in around him. Asking him for the details of the Plutes that had never been.

“You’ve heard me say it before,” he said wearily. “It’s a great time. You’ll see.”

He couldn’t help but think what they would see.

They still wanted more. Wanted to know of his experiences there. He tried to remember what he had last told them, hoping it would sate them until he could escape.

For he needed to speak with someone.

Max would want to hear where and what Stanley was up to.

“I’ve got filming to do for the Ramblers’ channel, but I will give you more once we’re done.” He didn’t want to be short with them, but knowing the cause of his nightmares was closer than ever had triggered something within him.

After that, they did leave him alone.

Outside again, Quinn and Brandon asked if he was alright. Giving a deep breath, he assured them he just didn’t want to be crowded like that. Especially when they would soon experience what he had for himself.

He tried not to let that fear eat at him during the remainder of the recording session. The two still looked concerned, so he knew something was still showing.

With the filming done, he wondered if he should say something. But no, that would be damaging to the ties that had been formed.

He couldn’t say anything. Not even once he had spoken with Max.

Speaking with Max was all he could think about.

“Distract the others,” he suddenly said. “I need to go. Wish them well from me, but make sure they don’t pester me.”

Before they could say anything, he ran for the road.

“And have fun during the holidays!” he shouted back to them.

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