The month of August means the Tiny Teams Festival is here once again. Last year I found some good games made by small developers from this event, so I’ll be keeping my eye on it this year to see what highlights can be found. Tiny Teams showcases games new and old, whether there’s a full game ready to go or just a demo showing its concept. I’ll be bringing my experiences of a few across the week of 8-15/August.

It’s not just Tiny Teams where I’ll be looking at indie games, however. There’s other games I’ve got waiting to give thoughts on. Some demos, too. One of those games is a racer, which could have featured during Racing Month. This year’s Racing Month was very Switch-focused, I think you’ll agree, so I kept this one away from it. But SuperSpec Rallycross will be the first game I give thoughts on this month.

Another concept is coming. Since it’s the summer, this one is focused on a holiday resort. What would I like to see from a holiday resort management simulator? That’s what this concept will be answering. This is one I’ve been thinking of throughout the last year, especially when the game I hoped would provide me with a fun resort simulator instead was… bad.

At the end of this month, things are going to start getting crazy. When Star Wars Outlaws releases, that date marks the start of a deluge of releases until late November. Plenty of experiences to be had, but not enough time to fully dedicate to them all. Rest assured, I’ll have thoughts on them all.

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