Soon For A Sonic Reveal

Now then, those on my personal Facebook feed will have seen these, but since they are to do with one of those Unannounced stories on the Pilot section, I’d thought I’d bring them all together and talk through what is happening. As you may remember, a story started by guest writer LuckyBachi called “Sonic: The Hog Behind the Hero”, which was stopped after four chapters. This was because another story was started which has never seen the light of day on CDSMEDIA. Called “Perfect Chaos II”, it has a lot more of a reputation due to its complex story arcs. A new section of CDSMEDIA will be made where links to each chapter will be available.

During the year of 2012, the same year Perfect Chaos II started, rumours were around of a Sonic game that would finally be Sonic Adventure 3. At the beginning of 2013, those rumours grew stronger. In fact, the biggest cherry on the cake was in February, when a whole host of information was announced about the new Sonic game. Well, announced as in more rumours. So it got me thinking. Why couldn’t I create my own Sonic Adventure 3 story? I got planning and got creative, which is when I came up with the idea you will soon see in a future article. After all, you can have hardly failed to notice that a full third of the new banner has been taken over by Sonic, Cream, Cheese, The Chaotix and that mysterious Sonic Adventure 3 logo. But while that story will be released soon, this other one won’t.

You see, during the creating of the Sonic Adventure 3 storyline, I couldn’t help but notice one major flaw approaching. Without Eggman, who was to manage the robots and operations? Part of that has already been covered in the major story plot, but if new robots were to be made, and the final machine, who was to do it? That’s where these two come in.

While in need of some more work, you might recognise these two names from the Unannounced 2 story in the pilots, and that’s because these two are the main characters of the spin-off series (more like a side story, to be fair). As you know, both of these also have a sister, and it is revealed she has been kidnapped by Eggman. And chao are disappearing. Also guest starring Espio, Krona and Zoin head on their first true adventure to save their sister. Not to spoil it all, since you won’t see this announced fully in quite a while. Or maybe tomorrow. You see, I’m timing this announcement for after the reveal of the new Sonic game. After all, what better way to celebrate the announcement than the start of a story, or at least its reveal, on the day the new Sonic game is finally revealed to the world?

In other news, though more like a few extra snippets of goings on around CDSMEDIA.
-I know I always say this, but bear with me. I will upload more story parts when possible, but since it is getting to the end of the college year, I really am concentrating on getting all that work done. But as more units are complete, the less I have to work on.
-Revisiting the finished stories to put them in the proper order of flow will have to wait until the summer holiday. I have also extended this to some of the older stories as well, just for flow of continuity and in case you want to revist them, it will stop waiting for the next chapter to load (or relentless backtracking).
-With this graphics tablet I now have, I could start creating my own banners fully. I might try a tester and see what people think.

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